PKW & Motorrad ll Deutscher Sportfahrer Kreis ll Independent driving training
Price range: from 390 EUR

Deutscher Sportfahrer Kreis e.V.
Karl-Wirth-Str. 16
76694 Forst
T +49 7251 302 840
E info@dskev.de
The free driving training from the German Sports Drivers’ Association is aimed at car and motorcycle drivers.
At this event, cars and motorcycles drive 5 turns of 20 minutes each.
Notes from the organizer:
+ The sole aim of the event is to improve driving safety for road traffic.
+ Only vehicles with road registration are permitted
+ Vehicles with a red 06 number are not permitted.
+ Helmets are compulsory for safety reasons.
+ Passengers are permitted (min. age 16) and do not cost extra.
Driving time: The driving times are provisional and subject to change due to changes in the number of participants or weather conditions!