PKW ll Event-Fahrtrainings ll Fahrsicherheitstraining
Pricing range: from 199 Euro per person
Location: Bilster Berg

Kirchstraße 12a
01665 Klipphausen OT Weistropp
T +49 351 32 33 10 44
E kontakt@event-fahrtrainings.de
In our driving safety training, we combine driving fun and driving safety. On the dynamic area at the BILSTER BERG you can improve your driving skills and your vehicle control in critical situations.
We offer the driving safety training in the categories “Basic” and “Perfection”.
In the basic version elements of handling, braking and driving physics are combined. This training has a particularly high driving component, as the theoretical-technical information is imparted directly on site in the situation.
In the “Perfection” option, we increase the speed. The exercises become more demanding and the drivers can apply and expand their entire driving skills. The perfection variant offers participants the opportunity to learn to control their cars even in the most extreme conditions.